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Our Story

shouting stars

Miguel's Surf Camp was born out of a necessity for the kids of Cocal Beach.

After spending 20 years serving The Lord in various missions throughout Central America, I felt compelled to start a company from scratch and offer tours on Cocal Island. During a visit to Cocal, The Lord touched my heart and spoke to me, guiding me towards Pastor Tello (the local Pastor) and inspiring me to help the future generations on this island. Pastor Tello assisted me in purchasing a piece of land right on the beach, which would serve this purpose.

Once the land was completely paid for, God provided the support needed to answer this calling, and that's how Miguel's Surf Camp came to life.

The incredible world-class waves attract pro surfers from all corners of the planet to this remote fishing village.

Come and experience the rustic charm of Costa Rica as it once was, enjoying the waves, the people, and let's work together to make the world a better place.


Me : Miguel


My Sun : Matty


My Wife : Pili

my interview for charly sinewan

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